Marquardt Medizintechnik produces implants for osteosynthesis

TWIN MIS and MIS Screw

Minimally invasive treatment of hallux valgus deformities

Minimally invasive screws with double thread


Minimally invasive screws with double thread

The design of the TWIN MIS screw enables stable anchoring in the cortex without leaving a protrusion that can be felt from the outside. The screw has different thread pitches, creating interfragmentary compression during insertion.

MIS Screw

Minimally invasive screws

The design of the TWIN MIS screw enables stable anchoring in the cortex without leaving a protrusion that can be felt from the outside. The screw has a uniform thread pitch so that no interfragmentary compression is produced during insertion, but rather pure stabilization.

Minimally invasive screws

Optimized force transmission

Self holding hexalobe interface

Exact positioning


Optimized stabilization

Uniform thread pitch
Advantages TWIN MIS and MIS Screw

Interfragmentary compression

Different thread pitches at distal and proximal threads



Optimized cutting flute geometry

Ensures easy and safe screw insertion

MIS Screws

  • A system consisting of screws, milling cutters and coordinated instruments
  • As pioneers in the field of minimally invasive foot surgery, we offer numerous opportunities for further training, please contact us.